Extra Ice Time 2018

The last of our Summer Ice Dates for 2018 is Mon 13 Aug 2030-2130
The cost for this session is £6 only

Extra Ice Time Wednesday 8th, 15th & 22nd August
There is an extra 30mins on these dates
Session starts at 6.45pm instead of 7.15pm.

Bradford 12th May 2018

Tha last competition of the year is at Bradford on Saturday 12th May.
Bradford is a club reborn only 18 months ago.
Come and have some fun at this friendly club and support their efforts.
All club members are encouraged to participate.

Aldwych Club Championship 2018

Monday 16th April Club Chamionship day 1. 1915 - 2030
Wednesday 18th April, Club Chamionship day 2. 1915 - 2015

Competition at Guildford Spectrum Saturday 14th April

Come and see this spectacular sport performed at your local club by some of Britiain's best short track skaters.
Including Masters under 50's gold and bronze medalists, Juvenile Girls silver medalist, Juvenile Boys gold medalist, Junior Girls silver medalist, and Junior Boys silver and bronze medalist. Start time 1700.

British Championship 2018

The British Short Track Championship was held on 31st March and 1st April at Nottingham ice rink.
No less than 20 Aldwych skaters entered this competition.
Find results on the results page.

No Ice Wednesday 21st March

As there was no ice on 21st March there was off-ice training.
Meet at 6.30pm for warm up then 7pm to 8pm in Arena for off-ice training.

2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang

Five British Short Track athletes have been selected to represent Team GB:
Joshua Cheetham (Nottingham) in the men’s 1000m
Elise Christie (Forth Valley) in the ladies 500m, 1000m, 1500m
Kathryn Thomson (Ayrshire Flyers) in the ladies 500m, 1000m, 1500m
Charlotte Gilmartin (Mohawks) in the ladies 500m, 1000m, 1500m
Farrell Treacy (Mohawks) in the men’s 1000m and 1500m
link to picture
The schedule of events can be found on the PyeongChang website (they are 9 hours ahead of the UK): https://www.pyeongchang2018.com/en/schedule
Short Track schedudle and results at Wikipedia
Long Track schedudle and results at Wikipedia
Both the BBC and Eurosport are covering the Games, so please check for exact timings.
Most of the action will start from 10am GMT.

No Ice 14th Feb and 14th March

As there was no ice on 14th Feb and 14th March there was off-ice training.
Meet at 6.30pm for warm up then 7pm to 8pm in Arena for off-ice training.

Competitions 2018

Aldwych, Guildford, 14th April
Bradford, 12th May Competition calendar HERE

European Masters Event CANCELLED

The European masters event for March 24th 2018 at Sheffield has been cancelled for now.
The event has been put back to the 2018/19 season.
The Ice at Ice Sheffield is still booked for 24th March and will be used for a domestic competition.

Change of Monday training times

From Monday 16th October 2017 our Monday training will have an extra 15 minutes.
Monday NOW 19.15 to 20.30.
Wednesday training times are still 19.15 to 20.15.
Both days: off ice warm up at 1830. Pads on 1910.

Competitions 2017

The Peak Stirling, Scotland 14th October
Auchenharvie, Scotland 15th October
Guildford 18th November
Competition calendar HERE

Competitions 2017

First domestic competition of the season 17/09/17 Nottingham Open

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