Results 2023

"" 11 Mar 2023
Aldwych Open 11th March 2023
"" 04 Mar 2023
Nottingham Open 4th March 2023
"" 7-8 Jan 2023
British Short Track Championships 2022 - 2023

 Results 2022

"" 03 Dec 2022
Nottingham Open 3rd December 2022
"" 19 Nov 2022
Sheffield Open & Masters Challenge 19th Nov 2022
"" 12 Nov 2022
Aldwych Open 12th November 2022
"" 15 Oct 2022
Sheffield Open 15th October 2022
"" 01 Oct 2022
Aldwych Open 1st October 2022
"" 16 Nov 2022
BIS Performance Selection Event, Nottingham 2022   Results     Rankings  


  Results 2021/22 here

  No Results 2020/21 due to cancellations caused by COVID-19 restrictions

  Results 2019/20 here

  Results 2018/19 here

  Results 2017/18 here

  Results 2016/17 here

  Results 2014/15/16 here

For more results and StarClass competition info visit

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